CLI Documentation
See the Configuration Documentation
Seals the Gatekeeper instance
gatekeeper seal [flags]
--gatekeeper-addr string Hostname address of the gatekeeper instance. (default "http://localhost:9201")
-h, --help help for seal
Unseals the gatekeeper instance. The available methods are:
- token
- token-wrapped
- approle
- aws
- github
gatekeeper unseal [method] [flags]
--gatekeeper-addr string The address to gatekeeper. (default "http://localhost:9201")
--vault-token string Unseal gatekeeper at startup with a Vault token.
--auth-token-wrapped string Unseal gatekeeper at startup with a Vault token that is stored with a response wrapped temp token.
--auth-app-role string Unseal gatekeeper at startup with a Vault token retrieved using this app role.
--auth-app-secret string The app role secret_id to be used.
--auth-aws-ec2 Unseal gatekeeper at startup using EC2 login.
--auth-aws-iam string Unseal gatekeeper at startup using IAM login.
--auth-aws-nonce string AWS-EC2 nonce for repeated authentication.
--auth-gh-token string Vault authorized github personal token.
-h, --help help for unseal
View the current gatekeeper policy file.
gatekeeper policy [command] [flags]
gatekeeper policy [command]
Available Commands:
reload Reload the gatekeeper policy on an instance.
update Update the current gatekeeper policy file from a file. Specify '-' to read from stdin.
--vault-addr string The address to the vault server. (default "http://localhost:8200")
--vault-client-cert string Path to a PEM-encoded client certificate on the local disk. This file is used for TLS communication with the Vault server. (This is different from the TLS Certificates Auth Method).
--vault-client-key string Path to an unencrypted, PEM-encoded private key on disk which corresponds to the matching client certificate. (This is different from the TLS Certificates Auth Method).
--vault-skip-verify Skip TLS verification of Vault's SSL certificate.
--vault-kv-version string Vault KV backend version that is used for the policy-path. Either v1 or v2. (default "2")
--policy-path string The path on Vault to a v2 kv backend where gatekeeper can load the token policy. Gatekeeper will merge all policies at this path and its children's paths. (default "secret/data/gatekeeper")
--vault-token string Unseal gatekeeper at startup with a Vault token.
--auth-token-wrapped string Unseal gatekeeper at startup with a Vault token that is stored with a response wrapped temp token.
--auth-app-role string Unseal gatekeeper at startup with a Vault token retrieved using this app role.
--auth-app-secret string The app role secret_id to be used.
--auth-aws-ec2 Unseal gatekeeper at startup using EC2 login.
--auth-aws-iam string Unseal gatekeeper at startup using IAM login.
--auth-aws-nonce string AWS-EC2 nonce for repeated authentication.
--auth-gh-token string Vault authorized github personal token.
-h, --help help for policy
policy update
Update the current gatekeeper policy file from a file. Specify -
to read from stdin.
gatekeeper policy update [file] [flags]
-h, --help help for update
Global Flags:
--auth-app-role string Unseal gatekeeper at startup with a Vault token retrieved using this app role.
--auth-app-secret string The app role secret_id to be used.
--auth-aws-ec2 Unseal gatekeeper at startup using EC2 login.
--auth-aws-iam string Unseal gatekeeper at startup using IAM login.
--auth-aws-nonce string AWS-EC2 nonce for repeated authentication.
--auth-gh-token string Vault authorized github personal token.
--auth-token-wrapped string Unseal gatekeeper at startup with a Vault token that is stored with a response wrapped temp token.
--policy-path string The path on Vault to a v2 kv backend where gatekeeper can load the token policy. Gatekeeper will merge all policies at this path and its children's paths. (default "secret/data/gatekeeper")
--vault-addr string The address to the vault server. (default "http://localhost:8200")
--vault-client-cert string Path to a PEM-encoded client certificate on the local disk. This file is used for TLS communication with the Vault server. (This is different from the TLS Certificates Auth Method).
--vault-client-key string Path to an unencrypted, PEM-encoded private key on disk which corresponds to the matching client certificate. (This is different from the TLS Certificates Auth Method).
--vault-kv-version string Vault KV backend version that is used for the policy-path. Either v1 or v2. (default "2")
--vault-skip-verify Skip TLS verification of Vault's SSL certificate.
--vault-token string Unseal gatekeeper at startup with a Vault token.
policy reload
Reload the gatekeeper policy on an instance.
gatekeeper policy reload [flags]
-h, --help help for reload
Global Flags:
--gatekeeper-addr string The address to gatekeeper. (default "http://localhost:9201")